Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Comic workshop (17-18.05.2014)

RROMA continued with the annual comic workshop in frame of the MTV SAF project. The youngsters that participated in the workshop worked in creating comics with a very simple message "AIDS doesn't know about discrimination...protect yourself!". Under the guidance of Dimitrij Mihajlovski, various interesting comics were created.

RROMA will published all comics and combine them with the already existing comics from the previous years. All the comics will be available online.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Informative meetings HIV/AIDS in Radovis and Strumica

Using the already established contacts, RROMA run two informative workshops yesterday as part of the MTV SAF project. Our informative meetings were lead by Urmeta and Edvin. The meetings  were interesting and interactive, with a lot of fun, shared information and condoms :)

HIV awareness is important, not only to protect yourself, but also those around yourself. As, we all know AIDS doesn't know about discrimination!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Informative HIV/AIDS meeting in Kicevo

The 25-th of April was very informative day for the youngsters of the high school "Mirko Mileski" in Kicevo. Sejhan Memedov and Gonul Aliova were the youngsters that organized the sixth informative meeting about HIV/AIDS awareness. The youngsters talked in front of a mixed group of over 30 students, presenting proper condom usage, HIV/AIDS protection and sharing information about different STD's.

Informative HIV/AIDS meeting in Bitola

On the 18-th of April, two youngsters from the Regional Roma Educational Youth Association organized and run the fifth informative meeting about HIV/AIDS protection. The meeting was held in the high school "Taki Daskalo" in Bitola. Over 30 youngsters attended the meeting, listening to Juse Rustemov's and Gul Aliova's presentation and advises.

Informative HIV/AIDS meeting in Prilep

On the 11-th of April in the High school “Gorce Petrov” in Prilep, the youth held the fourth informative meeting. This meeting was lead by Selina Mustafova and Emina Saliova, who did an excellent job. Selina and Emina informed the youngsters how to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS and STD’s and how to use a condom properly. Over 20 young people attended the meeting for 45 min.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Informative HIV/AIDS meeting in Gevgelija

On the 21-st of February in the High school “Josif Josifovski” in Gevgelija, the youth held the third informative meeting. This meeting was lead by Melita Destanovska and Makfira Demirovska, who stepped in as replacement for one of the trainers. Melita and Makfira informed the youngsters how to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS and STD’s and how to use a condom properly. Over 30 young people attended the meeting.
muce10's SAF-Gevgelija album on Photobucket

Informative HIV/AIDS meeting in Kavadarci

The second informative meeting about HIV/AIDS was organized in Kavadarci on the 28-th of January with the students from the High school “Dobri Daskalov”. Like in the previous meetings our youth had a lot of help from the director from the High school, they inform the students to attend our informative meeting. There was around 34 students who got inform how to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS and STD’s and how to use a condom properly. There was a good interaction and during the meeting, the facilitators (Nalan Memedova and Makfira Demirovska) delivered info materials to the youngsters.

muce10's SAF_Kavadarci album on Photobucket