Friday, December 2, 2011

Youth is learning about creative campaigning

From the 27-th until the 31-th of October 2011 in Probistip, RROMA was having a training about creative methods, campaigning and the importance of advocacy when doing campaigns. It was for the first time to have two groups and create an international frame for the training. One group was from Turkey and the other one was from Macedonia. The turkish youth group was supported by the MATRA programme run by ERGO to attend the training.

The youth's creativity was challenged by RROMA's team through various exercises. The youth had to create small campaigns, slogans, try to lobby in various situations, as well to understand the terms campaigning and advocacy. Also, important was the part when the youth had to create actions by creating rhythms with their bodies, theater etc.

While having fun and exercising their creativity, the youngsters got also familiar with some terminology and understood the differences between efficiency and effectiveness, as well quantity and quality.

Overall the training was very successful, because it will help the youngsters to run their own campaigns in their communities. RROMA will continue with the awareness campaign on HIV/AIDS in Macedonia and the youth from Turkey will start their own awareness campaigns in their own communities.

Enjoy some photos:)